

Build Your First Sales Funnel For Free!!!

 Build Your First Sales Funnel For Free!!!

Funnels are said to be a must for any digital marketer whether you are a newbie or a seasoned marketer. Honestly, there is still a need more than ever for good quality content and quality websites will always have their place and usefulness on the web.

But if you have a service or a product that you are offering, a funnel is a great way to capture leads and market to your prospects in a manner that has been proven very efficient.

The principle of a funnel is to attract cold leads with a freebie (usually a digital product) and then warm them up to your products until they become a buying and then a bigger buyer).

In the past, funnel service providers liked to make funnels sound complicated thus justifying charging such a high price as hundreds of dollars per month for their service.

You have to keep in mind that a funnel is nothing more than a series of web pages linked together in a particular marketing goal.

Luckily for newbies, the winds are changing and it is now possible to create a funnel and have it live online in a matter of hours for free. GrooveFunnels is a platform that offers a free version of its funnel-building software for free. They even have templates so no coding is necessary.

The simple recipe to build a funnel is to create a landing page/ opt-in where in exchange for a free product (usually a digital one so it does not cost you anything), people provide their name and email address. More and more marketers are asking for a mobile number to be able to do message marketing. You should consider if that could make you lose some sign-ups as many people are reluctant to share their phone numbers.

The second page in your funnel is usually your offer. The page would look like a regular sales letter with all the selling arguments and guarantees, etc.

The last page is the thank you/ download page. This is where people can download or have access to what they got (either their free products or their paying ones).

Of course, many funnels online are way more complicated than this and the sky's the limit.

A digital marketer can add any upsells, down sells and other offers in his funnel as he sees fit. The danger of having a very complicated funnel or a funnel that takes more than 10 minutes to go through (more like a maze!) is that your customer will walk away without taking your offer.

Grab your free funnel builder Now and start building your funnel with the free template. No coding or experience necessary at GrooveFunnels.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nathalie_Fiset/20773

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