

CONTENT GORILLA 2.0 REVIEW--Does It Really Work?



If you've ever wanted to build a near-passive business powered by content marketing...

 ...or create a lead-gen model that doesn't rely on Facebook ads, or

 ...built a WIDE net where you can grab the attention of THOUSANDS of prospects every day...

Then content marketing is the foundation of building a solid business

And you need content machines in your business that would generate traffic and sales even when other opportunities failed.

CONTENT GORILLA 2.0 is that much-awaited TOOL, The All-In-One Content Creation & Marketing Solution Used By Over 3,500 People!





CONTENT GORILLA 2.0 is an All-In-One Content Creation & Marketing Solution software that Converts ANY YouTube Video Into a Fully Formatted Blog Post & Share To Social Media In Less Than 60 Seconds.






Any decent content creation platform MUST have these KEY features:


Flexible Search

Search and create content in 105 languages. Find videos using Keywords, Video URLs, Playlist URLs or Channel URLs.


Deep Search Filters

Sort search results by relevance, recency or views and find videos with creative commons license.


Quick Convert

In just one click, Content Gorilla converts any video of your choice into a fully formatted piece of content.


Correct Grammar Mistakes

A very crucial feature that allows you to 1-click correct any grammatical errors in your content using our built-in grammar correction tool.


Auto Punctuator

Some videos, when converted to the text don't have any punctuation. Using our AI-powered punctuator you can in just one click add punctuation (commas, full stops, capitalizations, apostrophes) to this kind of content.


Find & Replace

Since Content Gorilla converts videos into text, there are instances where you would want to replace a specific word. For example: From “In this video” to “In this blog post”. 


Doing this manually would consume a LOT of your time.


Using the Find & Replace feature, you can save a lot of time doing that.





Content Spinner

Built-in content spinner creates unique, readable variation of content every time. This has been built SPECIFICALLY for Content Gorilla users with closed captions in mind.


Auto Images

To make your content visually appealing Content Gorilla automatically adds images relevant to your content inside the extracted text. And of course, you can add as many images as you want. Just drag and drop.


Featured Image

We can’t possibly let you send boring text posts to your blog, can we? The YouTube video thumbnail automatically gets set as the featured image on your WordPress post. You can edit that and put your own in as well!


Post Tags

How does Content Gorilla find a video when you make a search? Using tags. How will Google find your post when someone else makes a search? Using tags.


Content Gorilla automatically converts tags from your videos into post tags that will go automatically to your blog to tell Google what keywords your content should rank for.


Social Content Syndication

Your blog post is ready - how would anyone know if you won’t tell them about it? 


Publish your Content Gorilla 2.0 made posts to your Facebook pages/groups, Twitter accounts & LinkedIn Profile/Page in just one click and drive traffic back to your site.



Bulk Poster

Create content for up to 10 days and let Content Gorilla handle all the hassle - simply define what keywords you want the content for and how many intervals you want between the posts, Content Gorilla will automatically scheduler all your content for you for the next 10 days.


Quick Multi-Post

The whole goal behind Content Gorilla has been speed. With this feature, skip the entire editing process. Select as many videos as you want to publish - define a time interval between posts and let Content Gorilla take care of the rest.


Social Post Image Builder

Images get better reach on social media and our goal has always been getting you more traffic - using Content Gorilla’s image creator you can create custom images to accompany with your social media posts.


Internal Linking

Ever visit a blog post and see those “You may also like” kinda links that take you to more other posts on the same blog?


Well - they do that to retain the “link juice” as they call it.


And it helps with keeping your visitors on your sites for longer - which reduces the bounce rate. 2 pretty big factors in ranking on Google.


Content Gorilla automatically searches your blog for posts related to the one you’re just about to create and when it finds something related, it automatically adds a link at the bottom of your post so your visitors will too stay on your blogs longer.


Download The Content

Have other ideas for content created with Content Gorilla instead of just publishing it to your blog? 




In one click, download your content in text or PDF format and publish it wherever you want, however you want. Sky's the limit!


Post Archive

You’re about to create a LOT of high-quality content with Content Gorilla using the standard, bulk and multi-posting features - it’s going to get a bit tedious to keep track of everything. Good luck if you’re planning to post on multiple blogs.


This is why we created the Post Archive. Here you will find all the posts ever created to your sites with Content Gorilla.




Article Rewriter

Use Content Gorilla’s high-end article rewriter to rewrite any of your content from around the web. Simply paste, click spin & take it wherever you want.




Content Gorilla 2.0 is made for everyone who wants

to build a hands-off traffic machine...








Multi-lingual Support


With Content Gorilla 2.0 you can create content in the 105 YouTube supported languages.


Zero Compatibility Issues


Instantly Integrate with WordPress with our lightweight plugin that accompanies web-based Content Gorilla 2.0.


Today, you're already getting an AMAZING deal...


With all the features you're already getting with Content Gorilla 2.0, you could be easily paying a recurring cost every month. BUT - today, we will offer you a one-time launch special price.​


See, we already have over 3,500 customers who purchased Content Gorilla when we offered it in June 2019. They LOVED the one-time deal.


While the price on that deal has gone up significantly, we wanted to offer a NEW deal that fits your pocket.


So, to bring in NEW customers into the Content Gorilla family and making this deal even more irresistible, I am throwing in a couple of high-value bonuses.


Make 6-Figures With Content Gorilla 2.0

We will take you to a 3-week exclusive training series where we spill the beans on content marketing. In this training series, we will share how you can make money online using the power of content marketing. All of course by using Content Gorilla 2.0.


(Valued at $297)



A detailed over-the-shoulder video-guide teaching you how to build a self-hosted WordPress website from scratch, over the weekend without writing any code at all.


Here you’ll find video training that covers…

Module #1 - Introduction:

  • Overview 

  • What is WordPress and why you should use it.

  • The difference between WordPress.com & WordPress.org

  • Difference between a blog and a website

Module #2 - Domain & Hosting

  • Selecting a niche.

  • Picking an appropriate domain name.

  • Buying the right hosting package.

  • Hosting the domain.

Module #3 - Wordpress Basic:

  • Installing WordPress on your domain.

  • Changing basic settings.

  • Installing required plugins.

  • Picking and installing the right theme.

Module #4 - Wordpress Advanced

  • Setting up the appearance of your website.

  • Understanding built-in WordPress' features.

  • Optimizing your website for higher rankings.

  • Using plugins to maximize the potential of your website.

  • Installing an SSL to secure your website

  • Creating Content with Content Gorilla.(Valued at $197)


Content Repurpose Guide

When you repurpose your content, you can yield more output with the same amount of input, while maintaining quality. This saves you time so that you can work on new marketing ideas and attend to other aspects of your business. This guide will show you how easy is to create endless content.


 Valued at $147



My Article Submitter

Now You Can Drive Insane Traffic To Your Web Site Using The Magic of Article Submission - and it all happens practically on autopilot! Article Submitter is the Fastest and Easiest way to get your articles posted on hundreds of article directories without spending hours and hours on the manual labor of doing so!



 Valued at $97



It's Time To Completely Automate Your Content Creation & Marketing...

See, Content Gorilla 2.0 is the kind of automation that you need for your websites so you can stop wasting countless hours on writing articles for your blogs, or marketing and instead focus your energy on money-making tasks.


​Let Content Gorilla 2.0 do what it's good at!


​Look, the creator enhanced Content Gorilla to Content Gorilla 2.0 because creating high quality content and marketing it was too time-consuming for him. When he stopped wasting time on that...


...He was able to generate more traffic, and more sales.

 With less work.



  Choose the plan that suits you best







This will never be made available at this price again.

What's Included:






What's Included:



 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I am very confident that you will love Content Gorilla. But if for any reason - during thenext 14 days, you feel that Content Gorilla is not right for you, you'll be given a FULL refund. Even if it's on the 13th day, 23rd hour, and 59th second.



Q: Will Content Gorilla work with any YouTube Video?

A: Yes & No - Content Gorilla will work with all YouTube videos that contain closed captions.

Q:What if I need help with installation?

A: We have full documentation and video tutorials showing step by step everything - from installation to configuration to usage.


If you get stuck anywhere, we have a support team ready to help you out.

Q: How many sites can I use Content Gorilla On?

A: You can use Content Gorilla on up to 10 websites. If you need more - you can contact our support to purchase an additional one-time package.

Q: What is the liability of content created with Content Gorilla?

A: With Content Gorilla you have full control over the kind of videos you use. You can use videos with creative common license and we also have a built-in feature that allows you to give attribution to the original owner of the video. Besides that, we also have a built-in spinner to make sure the variation of content you use is unique.


Some videos, when converted to the text don't have any punctuation. Using our AI-powered punctuator you can in just one click add punctuation (commas, full stops, capitalizations, apostrophes) to this kind of content.





Q: I already have Content Gorilla - do I get upgraded for free?

A: Old 1.0 customers can purchase the main 2.0 version at 50% off (discount code is available for a limited time when you log into your Content Gorilla account)


Old 1.0 PRO customers automatically get upgraded to the 2.0 version (incl the PRO version). So if you have the PRO version, you don't need to do anything - your account is automatically upgraded at launch time.

Q: What has been added in Content Gorilla 2.0 since the 1.0 launch in June 2019?

A: A lot of new things (including stabilization) have been added, but more specifically, these features (which are also described above):


- Multi publishing at a time with one click - NEW

- Punctuator included - NEW

- Post Archive - NEW

- Integrations (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook Pages & Groups) - NEW

- Create an image for posting (FE) - NEW

= Internal Linking - NEW

Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

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